
Great Building Projects
Two new bridges on the Danube, a big modern marine, the boulevards of Subotica and Sombor, the central town depurator of dishwater, the infrastructure equipping of the new industrial zone and the technological park – these are all capital projects which will enable the quick development and the economic strengthening of Novi Sad and its vicinities

The architecture and the building of Novi Sad are a result of a lucky coincidence of heritage, epochs, styles, as well of other national experiences. The first founders of that long building tradition are experts from the Town Building Institute of Novi Sad (ZIG). Of course, challenges and problems that they are facing today are completely different concerning passed epochs. Despite the crisis and the problems it brings, the goal is that Novi Sad remains in being a dynamic town which is developing in a nice urban whole, attractive for domestic and foreign investments. To remain so, ZIG is doing everything possible to be the basis of investment of communal infrastructure and the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Novi Sad.
– This includes the improvement of traffic solutions in town, new public garages in the centre, the building of beltways, building up entrances into town, the building of boulevards, the arrangement of streets and squares, the revitalization of parks and the keeping of harmonious relations between existing objects and wholes with those which are about to be built – says Borislav Novaković, the Manager of ZIG, for National Review. – From a point of strategy, Novi Sad will expand to the coast of Danube that belongs to Srem, on the area which was marked as a reserve for town enlargement four years ago. Detailed regulation plans have been made, for three wholes on Mišeluk, intended for common life zones, family houses, parks, sport, tourist and recreational means. The location includes about 300 hectares, which are to be communally equipped, which is the main task of the Institute.
Priority investments of Novi Sad in the following years are, as says Borsilav Novaković, the building of the bridge on the Danube on the pillars of the ancient bridge of Franz Joseph, the building of the town depurator of dishwater (with the previous connecting of the northern and southern canalization) and the communal equipment of building grounds in industrial zones. The effects of the crisis are to be amortized and the investors will already have equipped locations for the building of industrial capacities.
– The study about transportation, which was made by the University of Novi Sad for the town needs, shows us the we need two more bridges in Novi Sad. The new bridge is our absolute priority, first of all because it will be the solution for the main town problem, our weakest point: the condition of the road system and the traffic jam. This problem cannot be solved in the centre but it can be solved by deregulation of traffic on entrances, which this bridge enables – says Borislav Novaković. – The bridge makes part of the Sombor boulevard, which is separated from Futoški road, on the town entrance, near GSP, so the transit is directed to Liman, to the new bridge and to Srem, through the boulevards of Car Lazar and Car Dušan. We expect that from Bačka Palanka, traffic will be about 30 percent disburdened on the town entrance. This would also solve the problem of the busiest road in town: Futoška Street, Jevrejska Street and Boulevard Mihaila Pupina.


In the passed four years, the town of Novi Sad did not get finances from any project of the Fund for Capital Investment. Expecting this to improve, the experts of ZIG are preparing project and technical documentation for new infrastructure projects. The amount of these capital objects overcomes the possibilities of financing only from the budget of Town, especially in the conditions of world economic crisis.
– These important propositions, of vital importance for Novi Sad, are not possible to realize without the help of the Fund for Capital Investment, the National Investment Plan, the European Infrastructure Agency – says Novaković. – On the other hand, it includes already made projects, organization, expert and professional equipment of ZIG, in order to build with quality, efficiently and according to European standards.
Borislav Novaković says that he is very pleased that 160 potential participants took over the documentation for the urbanistic and architectural arrangement of Trg Republike in Novi Sad, because it clearly shows the great interest of professionals. We are also preparing a similar contest for Trg slobode with Pozorišni trg and Modena Street. All these and many other ideas also include the solution for the big parking problem in the town centre.
– On both locations, we have the idea of building underground garages – says Borislav Novaković. – We will also prepare the project documentation for an underground garage near Banovina building. In that way, we shall avoid the situation in which citizens, aware of the need for garages, reject every possibility of them being built near their houses, and they disapprove of it. It is most likely that the first garage will be built at the same time when the future square is going to be built, near the fish market. The international contest for the ideal solution of the new business object in Radnička Street, intended for law institutions and the town administration offices, it is planned that this object also has a public garage.


– Building grounds, the main town resource, is limited and cannot be recovered. I am very comfortable with the fact that we have made an agreement in only two months with ”Železnice Srbije” about relocating their station. Like that, we have solved the main town problem, which lasted for decades, and we have enable the trace or the building of the second phase of Subotički boulevard, but we have also obtained new space for business and living units – says Novaković. – We are negotiating with the Military to give us some attractive locations and important spaces. One of the main goals of the Building Institute will be new locations and making conditions for the building of objects for production, industry and technological parks.


Going ahead
– After the public contest for the building of project and technical documentation for the central depurator of dishwater, we will adopt the strategy for the realization of that project. By solving the problem of dishwater, we will get closer to the European Union system and its standards. This is the right way for Serbia and we want to be prepared, to have all documentation, to wait for the right moment to apply for future funds of the European Union – says Novaković.


– From this year’s program, we have the activities of the reconstruction of ”Karađorđe” stadium, as a part of preparation for the European Junior Championship of Athletics, which is taking part in Novi Sad this year. A part of this important event will also be on Đačko playground, and I expect that work is about to start on that location. When the Championship is over, these two modern objects will be available for our athletes, students and sport fans. Besides, we are prepared for the arranging of Svetislava Kasapinović Street on Detelinara, whose residents can soon expect new streets, footpaths, parking lots and streetlights. During the summer, we shall build two most important traffic corridors, Somborski and Subotički boulevards, and we also have plans in the projects of the central town depurator and of the new bridge on the Danube – says Borislav Novaković.


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